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New Enquiry06.10.2021
Am Samstag, 25. Oktober 2021, versammelten sich die Mitglieder des Patronatskomitees Projekt Mariastein 2025 im Benediktinerkloster. Das Komitee setzt sich für den Erhalt des Wallfahrtsorts ein und möchte dessen Fortbestehen langfristi
Ein Patronatskomitee für das Projekt Mariastein 2025 Am 12. Oktober 2019 traf sich das Patronatskomitee für das Projekt Mariastein 2025 zum ersten Mal. Ihm gehören 29 Persönlichkeiten aus allen Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens der Nor
16. 05. 2019
Thomas Borer held a presentation about the geopolitical situation and the role of Switzerland
8. Juni 2016
Thomas Borer held at the Litigation-PR Conference 2016 the keynote speech on the topic "Media as a transmission belt in crisis diplomacy".
Thomas Borer spoke about the geopolitical challenges of Switzerland with regards to the real estate and construction industry and participated at the round table with representatives of politics, economy and society.
Invest'5 is a forum exclusively dedicated to wealth management professionals, gathering each year about 2000 visitors. Thomas Borer spoke about the impact of international political decisions on the financial markets.
The Pfeffinger Forum in 2015 was dedicated to the conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Under the motto "The great dream of peace" spoke exponents from politics, media and the army.
The Stockacher Narrengericht celebrates 700 years Battle of Morgarten with witty former ambassador Thomas Borer on stage.
The Stockacher Narrengericht celebrates 700 years Battle of Morgarten with witty former ambassador Thomas Borer on stage.
High-level conference aimed at reviewing and updating country and sector risks with Thomas Borer as a speaker.
Event of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Neuchâtel on the topic of energy with short presentations and a panel discussion with several local business representants and politicians.
Panel discussion with Donald S. Beyer Jr., Thomas Borer, Martin Naville, Thomas Aeschi on the topic "After the Presidential Election – U.S. Politics Over the Next Four Years". Moderator Felix E. Müller
Panel discussion with Thomas Borer, Prof. Dr. Kurt Imhof, Christoph G. Meier, Hansi Voigt and Willy Surbeck on the topic "The Power of the Media!". Moderator: Baschi Dürr.
Panel discussion with Thomas Borer, Peer Steinbrück, Oswald Grübel and Klaus-Michael Kühne on the topic of “Consequences of the European economic and financial crisis”. Moderator: Reto Brennwald.